Click here to read yesterday's brain dump.
Click here to read Cetelia's brain dumps.
Note: Although I'm trying to catch as many errors as I can, please overlook any typos, grammatical mistakes, missing words, and mispellings you find in this post (yeah, I misspelled "misspellings" on purpose to give you some practice at overlooking any other mistakes you see).
Today was an adventurous day all the way around:
a. We finally got up early enough to make it to the 7:50 service at church.
b. Heard a great sermon about being generous with love.
c. We became members of the church today, and it becomes official after going through orientation on July 26th. I kinda felt like I was cheating on my church in NC, but I know this is the church God wanted our family to join.
d. The next step is to join one of the ministries. I'm most interested in the Internet/Newsletter and Procedures & Policies. Nerdy stuff, I know.
e. After church I saw the sexiest bottle of Olay I've ever seen. Click here to see it.
f. We went to McKinney to look at a house today McKinney is about 40 minutes from downtown Dallas). We found out about the house from a woman Cetelia met this past week at a training. It's a nice house, and has great potential to become our next abode. I'll keep you posted.
g. After a really nice nap, we sweated our rear ends off at the pool while the kids swam. Today hit triple digits. It was 90° at 10 this morning, peaked at 104° this afternoon, and is currently 85° at 11:35 PM (the weather site says it feels like 90° - without the sun shining. That's nuts!).
h. After losing 10 pounds via sweat at the pool, we headed to Dallas to see Uncle Chips -- Christopher Bullard. My brother is in town for a conference this week, so we went to see him. As always, it was great seeing my younger, big brother. Love you, dude!
h. We spent nearly all our time at Dealey Plaza, of course, the site of JFK's assassination. It was getting dark, but I snapped a few pics.
- Pic 1 (Cetelia and the girls are standing to the right of the pedestal Zapruder stood on to get his footage)
- Pic 2 (The white "X" marks the spot of the fateful shot)
- Pic 3 (A pic of the book depository from the white "X")
- Pic 4 (A panorama of the entire scene)
i. It was wild to be in the spot that still has people up in arms about conspiracies. I've read new accounts & watched a host documentaries, news stories, and videos about November 23, 1963. My curiosity has only grown stronger over the years. Believe it or not, what really happened that day may be my first question for God.
j. There was a man there tonight who was triangulating where the sign stood that blocked part of Zuprader's movie of the assassination. This brilliant man was also a mad man. He spoke about the flag, freedom, secret service, the surveyor in Dallas at the time, Adam & Eve, Humpty Dumpty, the Statue of Liberty, the Israelites, pigs, apples, and even Jesus to make his point about the assassination.
k. It started out very interesting, then got very weird. Fortunately, my phone rang so I had to step away.
l. I received a call from a pastor who wants Sweet Cetelia and me to speak at their marriage conference in Dallas in August. Score! This follows on the heels of a call I received yesterday about us speaking at a marriage conference in Forth Worth in October. Double score! I've not even put out feelers for us speaking yet, so it's cool that we've already got two engagements. As my friend, Craig, says, "Go God!"
m. How fitting that I'm on letter "M." seems like a good place to talk about Marriage Works! I'm excited. I spent the latter part of last week reading some great literature, and developing a new strategy. I feel like what I've been doing has all been in the same vein for several years. The cheese has been moved. If I don't find new cheese, I'll become extinct. Excited to implement the new strategy.