Click here to read Wednesday's brain dump.
Click here to read Cetelia's brain dumps.
Note: Although I'm trying to catch as many errors as I can, please overlook any typos, grammatical mistakes, missing words, and mispellings you find in this post (yeah, I misspelled "misspellings" on purpose to give you some practice at overlooking any other mistakes you see).
a. Things have appeared to slow down just a tad since we moved into the new digs. As such, I don't have a heck of a lot to say.
b. I felt like I needed to get re-tooled in my thinking about Marriage Works!, so I re-read Who Moved My Cheese? this morning. I wrote down 35 notes, and will review them to ensure I'm not letting fear of the unknown keep me stuck.
c. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and hard place with Marriage Works! -- operating the day-to-day, which is ever-growing, and creating new content.
d. Cetelia and I talked about it tonight, and I don't think there's an easy answer. I don't like the "survival" mode, and need a breakthrough production-wise to get out of it. But, that means that I've got to spend less time on the day-to-day so I can work on the breakthrough items. Conundrum.
e. I'm outsourcing where I can, but a lot of it falls on my shoulders. I'm praying for wisdom to move beyond mental boundaries I may have made for myself, and wisdom to use my time most productively. Something's gotta give.